
A Pearl From Ashes written by Julie Mallinson

"Essential reading for those who want to catch a glimpse of what it takes to love and care for the fatherless and destitute before seeing it first hand. It's easy reading; yet captivating, inspiring and transformational. Your next step after reading this book is to take on a personal journey, through short/long-term trips, to see for yourself the reality of the parable in Matthew 13:45-46"
Ken Lee
Chairman - Heart For Kids

A Pearl From Ashes is an impacting book telling the story of an Australian couple’s journey with an abandoned, unloved girl left for dead. United as. a family she was the first HIV-positive Chinese child adopted into Australia. This remarkable story will inspire you to believe that miracles do come true. A Pearl from the Ashes is the story of how God cares for both the fatherless and the alien.

The fatherless: Pearl was found abandoned outside an Internet cafe in central China in the spring of 2008. At sixteen months she weighed a meager six kilos and continued to deteriorate over the ensuing months following admission to an orphanage. Upon discovery that she was infected with HIV, she was isolated and had no hope or future. It was suggested that she be left in a storage room to die.

This is the amazing story of how God led her to a family and how her miraculous response to medication and love changed her from a traumatized orphan to a confident and loving little girl.This is the story of how He raised her from an ash heap and seated her with the Princes of her people.

The alien: Julie is a reluctant missionary who fears flying, appreciates hot showers and daily cappuccinos and once promised friends she would never home-school or bake bread in a foreign country. This is the story of how God transformed her life through countless experiences including orphan camps, earthquakes and sleepless nights to not only live in China but to survive the arduous adoption process, home-schooling and more (including bread baking!).

This is an honest account of the struggles but also the joys faced by missionaries living abroad and how, amidst the fears and cultural challenges, God shows himself as both loving and good.

Finally, this is the story of the “great and awesome wonders” that were witnessed by many as the fatherless and the alien were united as family and the first HIV positive Chinese child was adopted into Australia.

It is the story of how God brought Pearl from storage room to school girl and is using her life to change many.

Just a $AUD20 donation or $AUD25 including postage within Australia. This is not tax-deductible.

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Donations from A Pearl From Ashes will help us care for orphans. Once purchased the book is non-returnable and non-refundable.

Whats the Bible say about helping

man helping another man

Being a faith based organisaiton we beielve we’re called to following God’s teaching about helping the marginalised, the orphans, widows and those in need.

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Chinese Five Love Languages

Have you ever heard of the five love languages? It’s a book by Gary Chapman that’s been read and followed the world around.

For more information and downloadable versions in Chinese click here.

Brochures and Information

Helping kids re-write life stories and turn around futures

Safe water bores are currently being installed in 1 village per month.

That keeps between 1300 and 2000 children and family members safe.

We would love to do more.

Old unsafe water pumps

New safe water bores

old village water pump - unsafe
girl in front of safe water tap
Girl in Indonesia project

It's not too late. Help children have safe water and safe places to learn this Christmas - new year